सिंह लगन और राजयोग | Leo and Raja Yoga | Vedic Astrology

‘Chetan Sud’ also known as #LalKitabGuruji an unconventional name in #Astrology World is a world famous best astrologer based in Ludhiana, Punjab, India; having deep knowledge of #LalKitab #LalKitabRemedies #RedBook Astrology, KP Horary, Vedic Astrology Palmistry Vastu with real life practical experiences. Here you will learn the true secrets about your horoscope. This is the place where you’ll know about all the practical astrology techniques. I also teach Lal Kitab Astrology through my video tutorials. I give you the real insights of your horoscope. I talk about planetary placements in each individual chart of the person. I have made videos on planets through houses, planets through signs and talking about each astrological ascendant. If you need your daily, weekly, monthly or yearly Rashifal forecast, you need to go to 1 on 1 consultation with me because the general description will not apply to you based on your individual horoscope. This site is passion for people who love occult science and spirituality. I strongly believe in that “Professional advice is nothing unless paid for, so please dont ask for free consultation.” I have done “Vedic, KP & Lal Kitab Astrology” from All India Federation of Astrologers Society, Ludhiana Chapter (2004) and practicing the same since then. I was awarded most prestigious titles Jyotish Ratan, Jyotish Bhushan, Jyotish Prabhakar, Jyotish Maharishi (Master Level in Astrology) in India by A.I.F.A.S. My Area of Expertise are Stock Share Market, Health, Finance, Career, Job, Marriage, Love, Relationship, Children, Court Cases, Litigation, Winning/Loosing, Buying/Selling & all the major aspects of Life, having more than 12 long years of experience of Teaching, Debating, Blog Writing, Practicing Astrology on different platforms and social media and networking sites. Mastered in to KP Horary Astrology the most advanced and accurate stellar theory in Astrology with Lal Kitab the most popular Remedial Astrology in North India. Would request you to please be specific and ask precise question to get 100% satisfactory results. Thanks and Welcome. Chetan Sud
Website: www.skyspeaks.in
Contact: +91-9888364014
Disclaimer: This analysis is only for professional study. This is not intended to blame, hurt and disappoint any individual or group or party. This analysis is only meant for predicting future event with help of astrology. These predictions are solely for the purpose of astrological research and practice and should not use for any other purposes for which we are not responsible in any manner if someone do so for its self-interest of personal gain, gambling, betting etc. The information and astrological interpretations in this video and channel “Sky Speaks” are for entertainment purposes only. By viewing, utilizing and accessing this video or my channel sky speaks and / or by requesting and/or receiving astrological interpretations and/or advice either through this video or channel, you agree to release “sky speaks” and it’s owner Pankaj Sood alias Chetan from any and all liability with regard to the contents of this video and channel and/or advice received. By requesting services, products, advice or any information from this video or channel, you agree that sky speaks is to be considered a curio and entertainment on your behalf. Advice or content may or may not influence your decisions and/or behaviour. You agree that by accessing viewing sky speaks you take full responsibility for any and all consequences acted upon in utilizing the information provided within our video’s and channel.
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