Aries & Capricorn: Love Compatibility

Learn how Aries & Capricorn turn each other on…and off. Is this a love match? Find out in this video.
Fast Forward:
1. Aries Sun Explained 5:24
2. Capricorn Sun Explained 11:34
3. Aries & Capricorn Compatibility 25:16
Learn about Aries & Capricorn Sun Signs when in Love:
1. Basic Traits: High Functioning & Low Functioning
2. The Aries & Capricorn In Love
3. Aries & Capricorn expectations while in Love
4. Aries & Capricorn Secret Fear when in Love
Learn about the Aries & Capricorn relationship
1. What Initially attracts these two together
2. Long-term relationship potential
3. Conflict & Harmony
4. What others think of the relationship
Nichole Huntsman your astrologer from helps you understand how the Sun signs respond in love.
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Aries & Capricorn: Love Compatibility
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Aries & Capricorn: Love Compatibility
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Thanks for watching! Hope this was helpful, please post questions below and let’s talk astro!
Aries & Capricorn: Love Compatibility
I’m an aries and my partner is a capricorn. And yes he’s boring
You know I don’t believe in a god or a higher being but for some reason these signs are remarkably accurate. 😂 I’m a Capricorn dating an Aries for 9 months now and haven’t been happier in a relationship, but emotions are a bit of an issue but I am fully committed to the relationship and am willing to be patient for her 🙂
Seriously you said it. You described Capricorn ♑️ and Aries ♈️ perfectly.