Capricorn vs. Scorpio: Who Is The Strongest Zodiac Sign?

In this video I talk about Capricorn versus Scorpio. Hi, I’m Lamarr Townsend of Lamarr Townsend Tarot. For your own personal psychic tarot reading, birth chart reading, or more visit to purchase. This video seeks to debunk who is the strongest between Capricorn and Scorpio. This is a Capricorn vs. Scorpio fight. In this video I talk about Capricorn versus Scorpio. In this video I analyze whether Capricorn men and Capricorn women are the strongest, or whether Scorpio men and Scorpio women are the strongest. The zodiac sign Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, which makes a Capricorn man and a Capricorn woman very strong and committed to achieving success. The zodiac sign Scorpio is ruled by the planets Pluto and Mars, which makes Scorpio very strong and capable as well as able to tap into the subconscious of other people. Who is the strongest between Scorpio and Capricorn? Who would win in a Capricorn vs. Scorpio fight or a Scorpio vs. Capricorn fight? In this video I hope to debunk who is the strongest between Capricorn and Scorpio. So, the question is who is stronger: Capricorn or Scorpio?
Hi, I’m Lamarr Townsend. You can now purchase my very first sextrology e-book titled “Zodiac Signs Sex Language” from the online store on my website: or from Amazon or the Amazon Kindle store: C
Capricorn and relationships | Capricorn trust issues | Capricorn moon sign | Capricorn moon man | Capricorn moon woman | Capricorn moon compatibility | Capricorn moon in love | Capricorn sun Cancer moon | Capricorn sun Cancer rising | Capricorn sun Scorpio moon | Capricorn man in love | Capricorn woman in love | Capricorn man and Scorpio woman | Capricorn man and Pisces woman | Capricorn woman and Cancer man | Capricorn woman personality | Capricorn woman in a relationship | Capricorn woman Scorpio man | Capricorn woman and Pisces man | Capricorn rising sign | Capricorn rising appearance | Capricorn rising women | Capricorn rising woman | Capricorn rising man | Venus in Capricorn | Venus in Capricorn man | Venus in Capricorn woman | Venus in Capricorn compatibility | Aquarius sun Capricorn moon | Aries sun Capricorn moon | Leo sun Capricorn moon | Libra sun Capricorn moon | Pisces sun Capricorn moon | Cancer sun Capricorn moon | Scorpio sun Capricorn moon | Gemini sun Capricorn moon | Virgo sun Capricorn moon | Taurus sun Capricorn moon | Capricorn sun Capricorn moon | Sagittarius sun Capricorn moon | Aries sun Capricorn rising | Leo sun Capricorn rising | Sagittarius sun Capricorn rising | Virgo sun Capricorn rising | Taurus sun Capricorn rising | Gemini sun Capricorn rising | Aquarius sun Capricorn rising | Libra sun Capricorn rising | Pisces sun Capricorn rising | Cancer sun Capricorn rising | Scorpio sun Capricorn rising | Leo sun Venus in Capricorn | Sagittarius sun Venus in Capricorn | Aries sun Venus in Capricorn | Virgo sun Venus in Capricorn | Taurus sun Venus in Capricorn | Capricorn sun Venus in Capricorn | Gemini sun Venus in Capricorn | Aquarius sun Venus in Capricorn | Libra sun Venus in Capricorn | Cancer sun Venus in Capricorn | Pisces sun Venus in Capricorn | Scorpio sun Venus in Capricorn
Venus in Scorpio | Capricorn sun Venus in Scorpio | Virgo sun Venus in Scorpio | Taurus sun Venus in Scorpio | Gemini sun Venus in Scorpio | Libra sun Venus in Scorpio | Aquarius sun Venus in Scorpio | Sagittarius sun Venus in Scorpio | Leo sun Venus in Scorpio | Aries sun Venus in Scorpio | Pisces sun Venus in Scorpio | Scorpio sun Venus in Scorpio | Cancer sun Venus in Scorpio | Scorpio sun | Aries sun Scorpio moon | Sagittarius sun Scorpio moon | Leo sun Scorpio moon | Virgo sun Scorpio moon | Capricorn sun Scorpio moon | Taurus sun Scorpio moon | Aquarius sun Scorpio moon | Gemini sun Scorpio moon | Libra sun Scorpio moon | Pisces sun Scorpio moon | Cancer sun Scorpio moon | Scorpio sun Scorpio moon | Aries sun Scorpio rising | Sagittarius sun Scorpio rising | Leo sun Scorpio rising | Capricorn sun Scorpio rising | Virgo sun Scorpio rising | Taurus sun Scorpio rising | Gemini sun Scorpio rising | Aquarius sun Scorpio rising | Pisces sun Scorpio rising | Cancer sun Scorpio rising | Scorpio sun Scorpio rising | Scorpio Rising | Scorpio moon | Scorpio moon sign | Venus in Scorpio | Scorpio moon sign compatibility | Venus in Scorpio compatibility | Scorpio moon man | Scorpio moon woman | Scorpio moon men | Scorpio moon women | Scorpio moon appearance | Scorpio rising appearance | Scorpio rising man | Scorpio rising woman | Scorpio rising men | Scorpio rising women
I'll tell you guys something….. Capricorns ruin the planet … Scorpios save the planet.
The thing about us Capricorns is that we are very gentle giants. We act very soft by nature and instinct but inside i think we overpower even fire signs. I think if there's a description of an element more powerful than fire it would be us Capricorns. Because we are so quick in our mental ability that we can be on fire and calm at the same time we are ice and heat at once and nobody can tell a single clue. On a heated moment, on a state of panic, we simply 'blink'. Our minds works with solutions so fast that people can't even tell our minds are working. We capricorns act slow and quick at the same time (like literally it's happening at the same time). That's why people get so confused.
Most people observe a Capricorn and think they are resting,
-next time they blink the Capricorn is already a CEO.
This is why it's only the Capricorn sign that has the ability to revenge multiple signs at the same time. No other signs can do it like a Capricorn.
The good thing is a Caprcorn is driven by righteousness 'to do the right thing' always. Otherwise we Capricorns would be the walking lethal weapon.
It's our drive to do the right thing that keeps everybody out of danger.
Because if we do something, we do it out of perfection and no emotion.
There's only two types of Capricorn; the driven one and the 'takes forever' one. But the drive and force is the same.
Capricorn wins because Capricorns don't have a single care in the world once you get on their bad side.
No hate. As a Scorpio I want to say Capricorn, cause they work hardest. Have amazing athletes. They are calm and focused. I like you guys!