Dragging YOUR Zodiac Sign (SCORPIO)

Heyyyyyyy there boos!
Its ya girllll TracyLifestyle BACK
with a NEW
&& I’ve had a lot of dm’s on doing this video but it had to be in order lol.
So TODAY we draggggged the next water sign, SCORPIO
We all know of a scorpio or have had one impact our lives.
So here’s a lil making fun of their sensitive asses LOL
No discrimination or personal hate, because my mom and my best friend are both scorpios and i love them to death.
But if ya wanna lil laugh 😆 here’s me talking shit on SCORPIO
I hope yall enjoy this video!
Like & don’t forget to subscribe!
COMMMENT below on what FIRE SIGN we should do next!
(leo, aries, sagittarius) ♌️ ♈️ ♐️
I’ll see ya next week for talkshit tuesdays!
ZAYN// Like Me Better
(Intro Song)
We aren't hoes. We just enjoy sex. As a Scorpio, even when I'm single, I only have sex with that one person I'm hooking up with. However, I kinda want to have sex with that person like ALL THE TIME 😂😂
Her:scorpios can be petty
Me a scorpio :* watching this while putting salt in my sister's tea *
No, Scorpios def. are not people pleasers, people pleasers become people pleasers because they can't bear disapproval of others, being alone, left out etc. Scorpios don't like most of the people to begin with, they mostly prefer loneliness over people, they rarely seek for validation and I think if someone doesn't like a Scorpio it's most probably the Scorpio didn't like that person at first and is more than fine with "that person" not liking them back. Maybe you have such false prejudices about them, because the Scorpios you've encountered had Libra placements