Libra Horoscope: Zodiac Signs and Their Decans: A Libra’s Decan 7/12 (2021)

There are 12 zodiac signs in astrology and each sign has three decans. Today is about the star sign #Libra horoscope and its decans: Libra, #Aquarius, and #Gemini.
Decans explain why people are different from others who share the same star sign. The day you were born dictates the Libra you are because of the #decan.
I will not only share with you a few traits about a #classic Libra or of another Libra, but also about how each decan affects your health. To find out more, please stay tuned for future episodes.
Moon signs in astrology show the zodiac houses your ruling planet and birth charts help illuminate your star sign, moon sign, and ascendant, rising sign. Tarot reading can help with predictions for fire elements, water elements, air elements, and earth elements, but are you a classic decan. Constellations always predict your future, well being, health, luck, love life, compatibility, success, money, and fame. Secondary ruling planets also determine your quality sign and horoscope. Maybe your cusp aka anarectic degree makes you different from others. Detriment, exhaltation, fall.
占星術中有 12 個星座,每個星座都有 3 個星座。今天是關於星座天秤座的星座和它的星座:天秤座、水瓶座和雙子座。
Decans 解釋了為什麼人們與擁有相同星座的其他人不同。你出生的那一天決定了你是天秤座,因為decan。
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🈯️ 🈳️ 要打開中文字幕,請按CC或設置 – 字幕/CC – 英文(美國)
👀For a more accurate star chart, go to
🎙️You can also catch this episode on #Apple, #Spotify, #Overcast, and #Buzzsprout #podcasts.
Just Look for PeimeKaemi.
🌟Check out another video on PeimeKaemi about zodiac signs.
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🎨Special thanks to my favorite versatile art app Canva. I use Canva Pro at
I use this website for art on Instagram and editing for Youtube. It is free without Pro, so create an account.
🎨特別感謝我最喜歡的多功能藝術應用Canva。 我在使用Canva Pro
我使用這個網站在Instagram上進行藝術創作,並在YouTube上進行編輯。 沒有Pro,它是免費的,因此創建一個帳戶。
My editing software is a paid version of PowerDirector19. It is from Cyberlink.
我的編輯軟件是PowerDirector19的付費版本。 它來自訊連科技。
I will keep posting videos twice a week. Check them out as soon as they are uploaded.
我每週兩次將繼續發布視頻。 將它們上傳後立即將其簽出。
Please enjoy and keep growing with me: Kaemi
Thank you so much for your support.
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