No One Knows These Facts About Scorpio Personality – Must Watch

Zodiac symbol: Scorpion, Eagle, Phoenix,
Duration: October 23 to November 22
Constellation: Scorpius
Zodiac element: Water
Zodiac quality: Fixed
Sign ruler: Mars and Pluto
Detriment: Venus
Exaltation: Uranus
Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Scorpius.
In the video, some of the most interesting, little known facts and traits of Scorpio are discussed.
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For real.
The Scorpios I knew will suddenly get hostile at a person even though we have done them favors and treated them well. They are constantly nitpicking and looking for faults with people, and think everyone is out to get them. This sign is very petty to the extreme of paranoia and lacks emotionally self-control…but likes to control others.