October 23 Zodiac Sign: (Scorpio/Libra) Birthday Personality

For those born on October 23 zodiac, nothing is ever white or black, and there’s a grey area as seen even in your zodiac sign. As one born on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio, two characters that are quite the opposites, you have a charming and charismatic personality with a deep sense of awareness.
The cusp of Libra and Scorpio is also known as the cusp of drama or criticism because of their honest and direct approach to criticism. Though critical and opinionated, they make for good advisers – they’ll tell you as it is! No sugar-coated words are allowed around those born on the cusp.
– Before they turn 29, their drive for personal power which is heightened by their ambitions is something they struggle with. They also find it difficult to give an appropriate emotional response to certain situations because they struggle with emotional sensitivity as well.
– As they turn 30, they yearn for freedom. They desire true independence that will allow them to broaden their horizon as much as their ambitions want.
– However, by the time they’re 60, they tend to become pragmatic, dealing with life more realistically and practically. These Oct 23 zodiac sign natives also become orderly and security-conscious.
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This is crazy you described me to a T
My birthday is in October 23
You hit the spot