Perfect Zodiac Match For LIBRA WOMAN♎ – Zodiac Signs Shorts #shorts #librawoman

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Libra woman are compassionate and empathetic people and partnership is very important for them, after starting a relationship maintaining love and peace will be there primary goal.
Find out who is the Perfect Zodiac Match For LIBRA WOMAN♎
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Nahhh my friend thats a boy is a Aquarius and my crush is a libra (ima Sagittarius also my is a girl and i am a girl so im lesbian.
I love my libra husband and we have a beautiful family. Our only one issue has always been trust. Word to my lovely libras don't lie about who you are to your sag when you first meet them. Be transparent because that little white lie you think you are telling us to save the drama will cause a life full of it. Better to be honest to sag then open up pandoras box. We cherish honesty over everything. It's soo true we are a match made in heaven but do not under any circumstance lie to us because the fights will be more fire than you can handle. Also stay away from gemini yes you get along really well and yes you can talk for hours and hours and it feels like a n amazing connection and yes you can be the bestest of friends but once you have been around each other for a while or get in that romantic relationship it will basically be a ticking time bomb. You will want to leave at some point but they wont let you go and they will convince you that you want that baby with them until your stuck. You'll see what i mean if you romantically stay with gem for a couple years. This is based on observation of many libra/gem relationships/friendships I have seen. Also be very careful with aquarius they are very prone to cheating without you knowing. Especially in their work environment. They are more flirtatious than you think.