“PLEASE STOP IT…”||Gacha Club||Zodiac Signs|| Leo Backstory Sneakpeek

Pisces: babe…are you okay?
Leo:…I’m fine
Literally made this for a whole night since I couldn’t sleep, so if there is grammar errors, my bad, also I’ve noticed until it was to late but the word “cried” appears in Leo’s speech, so that’s embarrassing but when j make these type of videos I make a script so it was a copy and paste kind of situation and I guess I selected the action of *cried* so try to ignore that Ówò welp, I haven’t had sleep all night so ima go get my coffee, also for people who don’t read my community post, I’m no longer gonna make backstories for this year, anywhosis happy Leo Season ❤♌
Warning: I don’t speak Greek so I’m sorry to anybody who does speak greek, if you do speak it you are free to correct me
μπάσταρδος: bastard
Sound effects:
2. w
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