SCORPIO March 2022 Tarot reading

Here is my Scorpio forecast March 2022 tarot reading message. This applies to you if you are born under the astrological zodiac sun sign of Scorpio (Octobre 23 – November 22). You can also check this reading if your are Scorpio moon sign or Scorpio rising star.
In this tarot cards spread I will tell you what are the major challenges and energies the month of March 2022 for you Scorpio.
Don’t forget to check :
Scorpio zodiac sign personality & psychology video : o
2022 theme of the year tarot card reading forecast for Scorpio : />
check my guided meditations : />
check my number personality traits video : />
check my soul food video series : />
I will be releasing tarot reading horoscope/forecast video every month twice for each zodiac signs. Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell button in order to get notified when a new video is released.
My predictions and forecasts are based on tarot reading and my intuitive powers.
This is a general reading for Scorpio. Depending on your actual birth chart it will resonate more or less with your personal situation. First check your sun sign (according to western astrology). You Should also check out your moon sign and your rising sing and see for yourself what is resonating the best.
I am a tarot reader and palmist (palm reading, chiromancy) and I provide spiritual/soul guidance based on my deep intuition.
If you wish to book a personal reading, contact me on my web site :
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Remember : Your future is in your hands !
NB : These videos are for entertainment purpose only.
Its too accurate, i am amazed
Loved those smiles
Hi , I love the care with which you speak of these different signs. Do you have advice for when a scorpio or pisces cut someone out of their life (I have apologized and tried to give them space to heal but is there a chance they will ever forgive or is it forever that they disguard a person who hurts them?) How do I approach this? Is it a lost cause once they feel betrayed?