SCORPIO Temper || 6 Things that Make them Furious

Scorpios are hot-tempered, but their hot-headedness is not explosive. Even in their bad temper, they look composed from the outside; you can’t see the boiling blood inside them.
Generally, they have extreme patience, but all the feelings that have been crushed down over time eventually take the form of anger. When they get angry, they become sarcastic and blunt and assert dominance by being passively aggressive. Sometimes, they say offensive things that can break you from the inside and destroy the relationship.
Based on Scorpio Sun Sign
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Scorpios are the most delusional people. They create fake scenarios all the time ND are cry babies.
I want to add something, I had a guy who I trusted and loved deeply and he broke my heart. I don't believe who he says he is and thats deception. I can't stand being made a God blessed fool!!! I am still enraged by it. I trusted him.
I am a Scorpio