The Luckiest Zodiac Signs #shorts by Astroscope

#zodiacsigns #astroscope #shorts #tiktok
In this video you will see Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Relatable Astrology videos about zodiac signs.
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piseces 💜💜✌️
This is true one time I was playing a game called prisonor and I was lucky on st Patricks day I caught all the throws and when I was the only one my teacher came over to help me and I said "no I got this" he was like " you sure?" I nodded and he said "ok" and everyone was surprised and I caught it!!! It almost fell but I caught it and if I didn't catch it then all the prisoners wouldn't have been free and everyone was happy and then my friend Edith said I love you for saving me she's a girl and I'm a girl but I don't think she's lesbian I think she was saying that as a thank you
Pov: I'm a pisces