Zodiac signs and their phobias 6/12 #shorts #sfx #halloween #makeup #snakemakeup #zodiacsigns

Watch me mess up these transitions 😆#shorts #sfx #blooper #makeup #tiktok #makeuptransitions #phobia
Watch me mess up these transitions 😆#shorts #sfx #blooper #makeup #tiktok #makeuptransitions #phobia
Scorpio and that's true.. I have trust issues bc my bsf left me w/ a word 😢.. girly rly said "say that I'm leaving u without that I'm leaving u" 😭
im an scorpio..i have A LOT of fears…This is like 2nd or 3rd bcs this happend a few times and i have been kinda used for that
I'm a Gemini and trusting someone is difficult but I have to get to know that person but if they fail me once because of something stupid I don't trust them anymore 😉