80 Facts about Scorpio Zodiac Signs | Can You Relate?

80 Facts about Scorpio Zodiac Signs | Can You Relate?
Here are some Interesting Facts about Scorpio Zodiac Sign that you may not know or you just don’t notice. Let’s understand more about Scorpio People.
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Ang galing naman ng facts na yaan
Nice content Po mam..god bless po
1:01 I am a scorpio and they are all true but this one- I consider myself popular I have a lot of friends and shit like that but there is this one guy at my school and I went out with him when I was nine and my mum gave him my number and he keeps asking if I want to ft and hang out 💀🤚🤡 I swear to god once I was really tired cause he texted me early and as an excuse I said I was watching stranger things all day so I could sleep and watch tik toks😭💀 now I just send my younger brother to hang out with him 💅🥲