SCORPIO – Unveiling the Secrets Of Your ZODIAC SIGN

SCORPIO – Unveiling the Secrets Of Your ZODIAC SIGN
Passion and Power are a mix that can be explosive! That is Scorpio.
Those born under this sign have the most difficult to handle or understand characters if you know nothing about their nature, yet these are the people you definitely want to have as friends because they can channel their high passion energy to commitment like no other.
Are you a scorpio or are you close to one?
Then you know how easy it is to misunderstand anyone who is.
But don’t worry, at the end of this video you would discover, appreciate and embrace the intense nature of the scorpio zodiac sign.
SCORPIO – Unveiling the Secrets Of Your ZODIAC SIGN
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All I can say as a Scorpio is, if you get me mad, I pinch real hard. If you mess with my family, I will sting with venom. If your cool respectful and trustworthy, I won't pinch or sting. I can be aggressive if I have to be. I am loyal loving funny and sweet. I am very stern but I am I happy nice person. I do have trust issues. And I'm very protective. I observe before I get to know others. I am also to myself alot of times. My fiance is a Leo but we are very happy with each other and my babygirl is also a leo
. But I don't like to control others because of my trauma of my abusive parents. I am also loving very loving to my family. I can get stubborn only if you push my buttons. I do actually compare myself to an actual scorpion because that's my spiritual animal sign. I love scorpions and I love myself. I'm proud to be a Scorpio because this is my personality and my personality is who I am and god made me this way. Godbless everybody in this beautiful earth. Calling all Scorpios let's celebrate our zodiac sign 

I am a scorpio Nov 3rd