When it was on point about which star sign you can’t stand. | Community…

When it was on point about which star sign you can’t stand. | Community Post: 33 Times Tumblr Truly Nailed The Whole Horoscope Thing In 2015
When it was on point about which star sign you can’t stand. | Community Post: 33 Times Tumblr Truly Nailed The Whole Horoscope Thing In 2015
This is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong. My bff is an Aries and I’m a leo
I do hate myself.
I’m a Libra who likes to RP. A character I made was a Cancer, and he could definitely stand himself/his own kind, but he couldn’t stand the situations he was put through. He’s quite the tough guy to his foes, a kind and sweet cinnamon roll to his friends… and unusually snarky and rude to all leos…
idk why tbh. Anyway, what reason would I ever have to hate a Virgo? and why would they hate me? This isn’t about stereotypes again, is it?
Lol I have trust issues not with other people but about myself. I do hate myself sometimes. ♊️